Devoted to My Many Whims


A brief one...

...because I've gotten back into the Jack Bauer Power Hour and I promised myself I'd get more than six hours sleep. Circuit City had a decent buy 3 DVDs for 30 bucks thing going on so I picked up the Pulp Fiction and Jackie Brown dvds and was up way too late last night watching the extras bonus discs. Some interesting features, mostly on the Jackie Brown one, and I'd forgotten how good that movie is...

Anyway, I'd meant to chime in on the recent new feature on the Onion A.V. Club -- Will Wheaton's Games of Our Lives. It's a small little gem of a feature that always gets a good laugh out of me each time by managing to get a plot of some sorts out of these ancient Atari games from the 80s and it's become something that I look foward to every Wednesday. It's been around for a month or two now and if you haven't seen these little bits, spend a few minutes and catch up on some fun nostalgia.

And it's been a couple weeks so of course there's a new Miike trailer out there for something called Yokai. It's not nearly as crazed as that IZU trailer but it does look like he's working on a rather large scale once again and is in full-on bizzaro mode. Don't ask me what the hell the thing's about--AICN is probably as close as you can get by comparing it to Clive Barker's old Nightbreed flick. All IMDb tells you is it's based on a comic book created by a guy who's been in that business for at least 40 years and that can mean anything, especially in Japan.

1 comment:

The Head said...

If you accomplish nothing else in life you started me on Miike. For better or worse.