Devoted to My Many Whims


Bogus Journey

Just spent an hour working on a post to have Firfox crash. Wicked pissah. So we sum up:

The Aristocrats. Documentary about a filthy joke. Looks like a funny movie (check out the cast). Here's a segment they got from South Park. Here's the trailer.

War Of the Worlds. Kinda sucked.

Me and You and Everyone We Know. Great. Shitty comments out there comparing it to Napoleon Dynamite are retarded. If anything it's the antithesis of that crap factory. Real characters resulting in honestly funny situations. Rather than caricatures acting funny in manufactured situations. Granted, you can say both movies are unique and original and made on small budgets but that doesn't make them at all comparable.

Well, there was a bunch more commentary on those three things but alas...

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