Devoted to My Many Whims


Like Pulling Teeth

Kind of what it's like to get me to update this thing. But it's also what happened to me yesterday. At 28 I figured my wisdom teeth would have bitched at me by now if they were ever going to but it seems that fun has just begun. Got the lower left one pulled while I was floating in the ethers of whatever it was they were pumping into my arm. An odd experience as I woke up as they were just finishing up with the stitches... And it seems that it's just a matter of time before the other ones start causing a ruckus. Can't wait.

Well, now I get to sit at home for the next couple days, eat soft foods and have fun with these Percocets. Though on this first day with them, I must say I prefered the Vicodins I got before the tooth was pulled, but I think that has to do with the dosage amount. But I'm not that into experimenting that I'm going to start mixing.

So I've been whiling away the day downloading music and watching cartoons. I found a pretty satisfying, albeit most likely temporary cure for having no cable. One of the things I miss the most is Adult Swim. But I found that all my favortie shows from it are to be found available to download from my file-sharing friends--bless them all. So I've managed to download the entire first season what I've easily convinced myself is the funniest damn show in production now, The Venture Bros. That along with the two regulars: Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Sealab--being 15 minuntes a piece those are much friendlier on eating up the memory.

Also enjoyed the first episode of Stella which you can view here. Pretty decent -- they showed the dance for the apartment at their live show I caught some months back, nice to see that again... And I can also catch the best bits of The Daily Show I've been missing over there too. So for the time being I'm doing all right.

Well, I finally got around to updating the sidebar over there (books and music anyway) so for whatever that's worth... I highly recommed the book Thumbsucker. It's one of those soon to be released movies that caught my eye a while ago and decided to pick up before it comes out--and damn if it isn't easily one of the best books I've read in a while.

Oh, and I did catch the new Batman. Damn fine movie. If you've ever been a fan of the character you'll be blissed out over the thing.

Ok for now. I'll get back to you in a bit.

1 comment:

The Head said...

The Venture Bros. are fantastic.
I can't believe there even was any kind of debate about renewing them.