Devoted to My Many Whims


Geek Reflex

Every year I see these photos from the San Diego Comic-Con and every year I laugh at the foolish geeks that get their picture taken next to sweaty storm troopers and whatnot -- and then wish to god, satan, Ellis, Clowes, Moore, etc. that one day I too will be able to be counted among the elite of geekness. [For the best/most hilarious coverage of this perennial event I turn you to this.]

I’ve always been firm in my belief that there’s a broad line between The Nerd and The Geek. Most often these two are considered interchangeable in uses. I really don’t feel like getting into it now but I’ll try to simply graze the issue…

Let’s take an icon like the Comic Book Store Guy from The Simpsons… Yes, clearly a Geek. The nerds were the ones that helped Homer in that Animal House episode… Okay, maybe further clarification is necessary. Let’s break it down to its simplest level: Nerds – good grades. Geeks – good swag. Would a Nerd be a high school dropout with a collection of every issue of Big Ass Comics? Or a copy of every Bruce Campbell movie on VHS…

Do you see the difference? Good.

One of these days I will be there, as satan as my witness. But it's second on my list after the SXSW fest. I mean, they do show some movies at the Comic-Con and have panels for upcoming the much-anticipated sci-fi summer flicks but compared to SXSW it’s all strictly bonus material.

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