Which could possibly mean that two Gilliam movies could be at your local cinemaplex this time next year. Craazy. It'll be over five years since his last movie, but hey, it's the definition of the double-dip-cream-dream. So good things come to those who wait, Clarise.
And take a look HERE (it's a lot easier to read than the amazon chapter) for the first, albeit small, chapter of Tideland -- what sounds like a very cool book. There's also an interview with the man behind the book on that Gilliam appreciation site from a couple years ago when Terry was first signed on for the adaptation. And being able to chronical the struggle of getting Good Omens made(for fun fact reading, especially if you've already read it)... Well, to me, that's one of those dream movies -- the perfect material for him, and you can only hope--like being a Red Sox fan in some ways--that it will happen one of these days. You really hope that Brothers Grimm or Tideland is hugely successful to make the suits with the money wake up.
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