1st Inning -- Papi! D-Lowe! Or is that Owen Wilson? I'm never too sure... I'm already exhausted.
2nd Inning -- The ol' choke-a-dope. Impressive inning and a third of pitching. I like that guy. Wait-hold the fucking presses! Holy mama pajama! Untamed Damon! Finally! Capn' Caveman comes through. Best game ever! Double that score and I can go to bed.
6th Inning -- Well, Boston is full of drunk rabble rousers tonight. More than usual that is. What with FUCKING HISTORY BEING MADE! D-fucking-LOWE! Take A-fucking-ROD and shove it sideways...
This has been fun guys. Sorta. Not doing this again, though. I have no place commenting on sports really--but the main reason is it's just a hassle. The posts on here will be written for a reason--not simply because I get myself into a situation where I feel I gotta keep a theme running. Anyway, need sleep--and beacuse I feel I have to put some sort of commercial here...
Commercial -- Coupland
New Douglas Coupland soon to be released. Yes, Jeff, it's a reason to be cheerful. Unlike this fucking game. But no fear, Pedro has a history of bullshit first innings. But I'm sure he has something he wants to prove to someone, himself?, whatever--if this gets real ugly I might feel the need for bitching and moaning--but I stand by need to lie down and let this insane victory wash over me.
8th Inning -- Thanks Bellhorn, you know what I'm sayin'.
i cant believe your not from vancouver, bc.
Well, depending on how this all turns out today, tomorrow, next week, I may feel like moving there.
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