10th Inning -- Arroyo. Not a fan of the braids, but I like the hot potato he does at the end of his pitches. Hell yeah. These games are hurting me.
Commercial -- The extra in that last Believer mag.
This is the cover of a great zine reprint that came in the September issue of The Believer magazine. Army Man, America's Only Magazine. It's wirtten by George Meyer of the Simpsons and some other people including a Jack Handey Deep Thought. I recommend getting your hands on it if you can. Hilarious stuff. Click it to make it bigger.
13th Inning -- Not sure why Mirabelli doesn't get sent in... "Mesmerthighs" hasn't been hitting very well--well, I mean no one has really, but I think we've reached the point where you really couldn't make it any more stressfull than this inning. But maybe I shan't say such things.
14th Inning -- I love it when it comes to big Papi. Sorry, bad joke. But seriously... Thousands crap their pants at once... Maybe I'm amazed? I don't know how they do it, or how I can watch--no I guess I do know, it's ultimately the most entertaining (if somewhat insanely hair pulling) shit around.
Umm, I'm all for letting anyone anywhere commenting here but no soliciting pyramid scheme type things please.
Those braids look stupid. God Bless Wakefield. Yes Cadence is a very good word.
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