Devoted to My Many Whims
Stolen Linkage [Republican Phone Sex]
Probably my only sorta political post, before the election anyway. Got this link over at (the highest quality links around town) for Li(v)e Girls, a fine piece of genius. Click the pic, choose your viewing mode and enjoy.
The Brothers Grimm is another thing I put on the sidebar over there. It's a movie that Terry Gilliam directed and finished filming more than a few months ago. And if you know the history of Terry Gilliam movies, or seen Lost in LaMancha, the fact that it's finished can be a cause for rejoice--even though it won't see the inside of a theater until Winter '05. But I felt like mentioning the site that the link is for: MENTIONING. It seems to be the only decent site for Gilliam out there -- which I find strange. I mean, the guy was in Monty Python for christ's sake. That alone should give a guy 3 decent sites. But maybe I'm just not finding them. Anyway. The site says he's already started Tideland.
Which could possibly mean that two Gilliam movies could be at your local cinemaplex this time next year. Craazy. It'll be over five years since his last movie, but hey, it's the definition of the double-dip-cream-dream. So good things come to those who wait, Clarise.
And take a look HERE (it's a lot easier to read than the amazon chapter) for the first, albeit small, chapter of Tideland -- what sounds like a very cool book. There's also an interview with the man behind the book on that Gilliam appreciation site from a couple years ago when Terry was first signed on for the adaptation. And being able to chronical the struggle of getting Good Omens made(for fun fact reading, especially if you've already read it)... Well, to me, that's one of those dream movies -- the perfect material for him, and you can only hope--like being a Red Sox fan in some ways--that it will happen one of these days. You really hope that Brothers Grimm or Tideland is hugely successful to make the suits with the money wake up.
Which could possibly mean that two Gilliam movies could be at your local cinemaplex this time next year. Craazy. It'll be over five years since his last movie, but hey, it's the definition of the double-dip-cream-dream. So good things come to those who wait, Clarise.
And take a look HERE (it's a lot easier to read than the amazon chapter) for the first, albeit small, chapter of Tideland -- what sounds like a very cool book. There's also an interview with the man behind the book on that Gilliam appreciation site from a couple years ago when Terry was first signed on for the adaptation. And being able to chronical the struggle of getting Good Omens made(for fun fact reading, especially if you've already read it)... Well, to me, that's one of those dream movies -- the perfect material for him, and you can only hope--like being a Red Sox fan in some ways--that it will happen one of these days. You really hope that Brothers Grimm or Tideland is hugely successful to make the suits with the money wake up.
Amy on Dave
Amy Sedaris on Letterman tonight. Funny lady, and the two of them have a great rapport -- I like how Amy tosses her own questions in the way she does. I wonder who cancelled... There'll be some good stills from those couple of impersonations she did [probably show up here soon]. Anges Morehead... She does look a bit more tan than usual. No mention of the movie. I think they had the wrap party July 31st at a MisShapes afterparty at NYC's Luke & Leroy's (get your hands off her, greasy Justin Theroux!), but it doesn't look like it's coming out until Spring. Must be the extensive CGI post-work needing to be done... Anyway, I'll always think that her on Conan with an animal expert afterwards is the best way to book an Amy Sedaris tv appearance--I think they allow her to get a bit more crazy on Conan. Well, my ears still haven't quite recovered from ...Trail of Dead last night--and still need work catching up on the shut-eye...
Game Day #7 (Coupland)
Keeping this one brief, I need sleep.
1st Inning -- Papi! D-Lowe! Or is that Owen Wilson? I'm never too sure... I'm already exhausted.
2nd Inning -- The ol' choke-a-dope. Impressive inning and a third of pitching. I like that guy. Wait-hold the fucking presses! Holy mama pajama! Untamed Damon! Finally! Capn' Caveman comes through. Best game ever! Double that score and I can go to bed.
6th Inning -- Well, Boston is full of drunk rabble rousers tonight. More than usual that is. What with FUCKING HISTORY BEING MADE! D-fucking-LOWE! Take A-fucking-ROD and shove it sideways...
This has been fun guys. Sorta. Not doing this again, though. I have no place commenting on sports really--but the main reason is it's just a hassle. The posts on here will be written for a reason--not simply because I get myself into a situation where I feel I gotta keep a theme running. Anyway, need sleep--and beacuse I feel I have to put some sort of commercial here...
Commercial -- Coupland
New Douglas Coupland soon to be released. Yes, Jeff, it's a reason to be cheerful. Unlike this fucking game. But no fear, Pedro has a history of bullshit first innings. But I'm sure he has something he wants to prove to someone, himself?, whatever--if this gets real ugly I might feel the need for bitching and moaning--but I stand by need to lie down and let this insane victory wash over me.
8th Inning -- Thanks Bellhorn, you know what I'm sayin'.
1st Inning -- Papi! D-Lowe! Or is that Owen Wilson? I'm never too sure... I'm already exhausted.
2nd Inning -- The ol' choke-a-dope. Impressive inning and a third of pitching. I like that guy. Wait-hold the fucking presses! Holy mama pajama! Untamed Damon! Finally! Capn' Caveman comes through. Best game ever! Double that score and I can go to bed.
6th Inning -- Well, Boston is full of drunk rabble rousers tonight. More than usual that is. What with FUCKING HISTORY BEING MADE! D-fucking-LOWE! Take A-fucking-ROD and shove it sideways...
This has been fun guys. Sorta. Not doing this again, though. I have no place commenting on sports really--but the main reason is it's just a hassle. The posts on here will be written for a reason--not simply because I get myself into a situation where I feel I gotta keep a theme running. Anyway, need sleep--and beacuse I feel I have to put some sort of commercial here...
Commercial -- Coupland
New Douglas Coupland soon to be released. Yes, Jeff, it's a reason to be cheerful. Unlike this fucking game. But no fear, Pedro has a history of bullshit first innings. But I'm sure he has something he wants to prove to someone, himself?, whatever--if this gets real ugly I might feel the need for bitching and moaning--but I stand by need to lie down and let this insane victory wash over me.
8th Inning -- Thanks Bellhorn, you know what I'm sayin'.
Game Day #6 (Eugene Mirman)
So here I am again. Nearing 8pm and sitting in front of the laptop with the tv turned on to Fucking Fox about 6 or 7 feet beyond that. Sean McDonough a nice little tease -- look at them, talking to someone who isn't a complete fucking annoying windbag automaton like themselves, craaazy. So there's my bitch and moan about Fox for the night, I promise I won't bring it up again.
Commercial -- Eugene Mirman
This guy makes me laugh. He recently was on tour with the likes of Modest Mouse and Yo La Tengo and can mow be seen opening for those Stella gentleman. Is the lesser known friend of David Cross, Todd Barry, Jon Benjamin, you know, that whole scene. And if you don't know that whole scene--what the fuck there, holmes? Get a-googlin!
4th Inning -- 3 innings and no score? Refreshing. I wonder what kind of drugs they've got Curt pumped up with... But definitely, infinitely more refreshing is being up 4-0.
8th Inning -- Don't they show replays on the jumbotron or whatever they call it? Pretty obvious--A-Rod shooting dirty pool. Headache setting in.
9th Inning -- Nice. "How about we just tip over the SUVs after the game? It shows how pissed we are as fans but also how politically aware we are as a city." What's a good song to play over the speakers as Yankee fans get tasered, gassed, and/or clubed? I'd say We Will rock You.
What can you say? I'm surprised it only lasted 9 innings. There has to have been some people with weak hearts who've suffered some attacks... Well, one more.
Commercial -- Eugene Mirman
This guy makes me laugh. He recently was on tour with the likes of Modest Mouse and Yo La Tengo and can mow be seen opening for those Stella gentleman. Is the lesser known friend of David Cross, Todd Barry, Jon Benjamin, you know, that whole scene. And if you don't know that whole scene--what the fuck there, holmes? Get a-googlin!
4th Inning -- 3 innings and no score? Refreshing. I wonder what kind of drugs they've got Curt pumped up with... But definitely, infinitely more refreshing is being up 4-0.
8th Inning -- Don't they show replays on the jumbotron or whatever they call it? Pretty obvious--A-Rod shooting dirty pool. Headache setting in.
9th Inning -- Nice. "How about we just tip over the SUVs after the game? It shows how pissed we are as fans but also how politically aware we are as a city." What's a good song to play over the speakers as Yankee fans get tasered, gassed, and/or clubed? I'd say We Will rock You.
What can you say? I'm surprised it only lasted 9 innings. There has to have been some people with weak hearts who've suffered some attacks... Well, one more.

This is looking to be possibly the best movie of the year--right now it's sitting along side Eternal Sunshine and the innevitable The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou. I know it may look bad to put movies I haven't seen on the best-of list but with the Life Aquatic, I mean, this is Wes Anderson with Bill Murray we're talking about.
Anyway, I keep reading great things about Sideways, the new movie by Alexander Payne (About Schmidt, Election, Citizen Ruth--all recommended), and I'm getting pretty jazzed to check it out. Read the above links to the reviews or the offical site for the story. It just finished up the New York Film Festival and will be making it's way around everywhere else in the upcoming months. Also, the official site has some fun wine related extras to it--though my favorite feature is the "Life Uncorked" bits.
I created a little "On the Radar" spot on the sidebar today where I put some references to some movies that are coming up that have caught my attention. I figured I'd give this one it's own post since the ad campaign for it seems to be non-existant [at least on tv and in print media... hmm, maybe I don't need to post this...-ed.] -- but I expect once it gets closer to Award time you'll be hearing more about this one.
Game Day #5 (Army Man zine)
7th Inning -- Maybe I'm just hung up on this dynamic announcing team Fox has but I'm sorry, the word cadence does not belong in baseball. That's just my opinion, and again, I'm a bit biased against these Fox bastards. Nevermind the insane frustration these games bring me just being a fan of the Red Sox, whatever that guy's name is, I don't care if he's got ten rings on his fingers and thumbs, he should get a muzzle strapped on and given a once over with some cattle prods every time he uses that word to describe some facet of this game.
10th Inning -- Arroyo. Not a fan of the braids, but I like the hot potato he does at the end of his pitches. Hell yeah. These games are hurting me.
Commercial -- The extra in that last Believer mag.
This is the cover of a great zine reprint that came in the September issue of The Believer magazine. Army Man, America's Only Magazine. It's wirtten by George Meyer of the Simpsons and some other people including a Jack Handey Deep Thought. I recommend getting your hands on it if you can. Hilarious stuff. Click it to make it bigger.
13th Inning -- Not sure why Mirabelli doesn't get sent in... "Mesmerthighs" hasn't been hitting very well--well, I mean no one has really, but I think we've reached the point where you really couldn't make it any more stressfull than this inning. But maybe I shan't say such things.
14th Inning -- I love it when it comes to big Papi. Sorry, bad joke. But seriously... Thousands crap their pants at once... Maybe I'm amazed? I don't know how they do it, or how I can watch--no I guess I do know, it's ultimately the most entertaining (if somewhat insanely hair pulling) shit around.
10th Inning -- Arroyo. Not a fan of the braids, but I like the hot potato he does at the end of his pitches. Hell yeah. These games are hurting me.
Commercial -- The extra in that last Believer mag.
This is the cover of a great zine reprint that came in the September issue of The Believer magazine. Army Man, America's Only Magazine. It's wirtten by George Meyer of the Simpsons and some other people including a Jack Handey Deep Thought. I recommend getting your hands on it if you can. Hilarious stuff. Click it to make it bigger.
13th Inning -- Not sure why Mirabelli doesn't get sent in... "Mesmerthighs" hasn't been hitting very well--well, I mean no one has really, but I think we've reached the point where you really couldn't make it any more stressfull than this inning. But maybe I shan't say such things.
14th Inning -- I love it when it comes to big Papi. Sorry, bad joke. But seriously... Thousands crap their pants at once... Maybe I'm amazed? I don't know how they do it, or how I can watch--no I guess I do know, it's ultimately the most entertaining (if somewhat insanely hair pulling) shit around.
Game Day #4 (Vice mag)
Well, last night was definitely the lowest I believe the Pain part of the roller coaster can go. Hopefully the Delight part will show up today.
8:00pm - Still enjoy Denis Leary's rants. And he made a good point there about the optomistic cynic that most Red Sox fans are. Derek Lowe, the unlikely hero. Unlikely indeed.
Commercial --
Why is the Scandinavian edition of Vice so much better than the US's anniversary issue?
1st Inning -- Wow, we made it through the first without giving up 10 runs. So happy...
2nd Inning -- D-Lowe! Joe Buck's begining to make me nauseous. He really should stick to whoring himself on the streets of NYC with Ratso.
5th Inning -- Hot shit!
6th Inning -- That Godzilla is a fucking baseball machine. A robot of some sort, I'm certain. Taking out D-Lowe will be this years keeping in Pedro.
9th Inning -- Hey hoo ha! Rally caps are on. More hot shit. Very methodical and business like. Damon snaps his streak. Barely. No double play...
1:24 am -- Papi finally comes though. Glad I had that nap earlier. I think most people are too tired and sobered-up to cause any kind of ruckus on the streets tonight.
8:00pm - Still enjoy Denis Leary's rants. And he made a good point there about the optomistic cynic that most Red Sox fans are. Derek Lowe, the unlikely hero. Unlikely indeed.
Commercial --
Why is the Scandinavian edition of Vice so much better than the US's anniversary issue?
1st Inning -- Wow, we made it through the first without giving up 10 runs. So happy...
2nd Inning -- D-Lowe! Joe Buck's begining to make me nauseous. He really should stick to whoring himself on the streets of NYC with Ratso.
5th Inning -- Hot shit!
6th Inning -- That Godzilla is a fucking baseball machine. A robot of some sort, I'm certain. Taking out D-Lowe will be this years keeping in Pedro.
9th Inning -- Hey hoo ha! Rally caps are on. More hot shit. Very methodical and business like. Damon snaps his streak. Barely. No double play...
1:24 am -- Papi finally comes though. Glad I had that nap earlier. I think most people are too tired and sobered-up to cause any kind of ruckus on the streets tonight.
Game Day #2 (Monobrow/Sanchez Bros.)
[Will update continually 'till the end of the game... Maybe.]
8:00pm -- Yeah, so Curt's not doing to good, eh? And what was the biggest difference between last year and this year? Our pitching, right? Well, I still think we still have plenty to work with in the bullpen. Bring out Lowe instead--I wouldn't squak. I'm looking foward to Pedro shutting up that NY crowd... should be a good game. Hell, if last night's a sign of anything it's that all these games could very well be classics.
Commercial -- Who's #1?
This Guy. Click and feel it -- unh, yeah, that's right...
1st Inning -- That throw to second almost smacked Jeter in that mug of his... almost.
2nd Inning -- Did that douche bag just question Pedro's "cadence"? I think he did. Sweet jesus...
3rd Inning -- Scooter... sigh... Have I mentioned my dislike of Fox? I wonder how many focus groups it took to decide upon the name of a talking baseball.
Checking in on the Presidential Debate --
5th Inning -- Now's the time. Close. Damnit.
6th Inning -- Pedro's got the crowd quiet though--I like that, very much so. Olerud? Well, there goes that crowd respect... And okay, who's your daddy... um, why not Where's the Beef? or Who's the Boss? or Whachoo Talkin Bout? Yes, I'm bitter.
Commercial -- Have you met the new Partridge Family?
Do yourself a favor -- MEET RON, GARY, BRUCE AND DOUG
7th Inning -- This Sheffield/Godzilla double whammy unnerves me.... I really need to see the Papi/Manny double dip happen tonight.
8th Inning -- Did I jinx Damon last night? I sent this raging email to The Trifecta last night about Damon... Well, if I did, my realizing it now should un-jinx him. Here comes his first hit... Ouch.
9th Inning -- Well, the real bitch of this thing would be losing a game because of the 1st inning. That's tough. Nice tense way to do it Foulke.
And so it goes. Papi wanted it just as bad as any fan out there.
8:00pm -- Yeah, so Curt's not doing to good, eh? And what was the biggest difference between last year and this year? Our pitching, right? Well, I still think we still have plenty to work with in the bullpen. Bring out Lowe instead--I wouldn't squak. I'm looking foward to Pedro shutting up that NY crowd... should be a good game. Hell, if last night's a sign of anything it's that all these games could very well be classics.
Commercial -- Who's #1?
1st Inning -- That throw to second almost smacked Jeter in that mug of his... almost.
2nd Inning -- Did that douche bag just question Pedro's "cadence"? I think he did. Sweet jesus...
3rd Inning -- Scooter... sigh... Have I mentioned my dislike of Fox? I wonder how many focus groups it took to decide upon the name of a talking baseball.
Checking in on the Presidential Debate --
5th Inning -- Now's the time. Close. Damnit.
6th Inning -- Pedro's got the crowd quiet though--I like that, very much so. Olerud? Well, there goes that crowd respect... And okay, who's your daddy... um, why not Where's the Beef? or Who's the Boss? or Whachoo Talkin Bout? Yes, I'm bitter.
Commercial -- Have you met the new Partridge Family?
Do yourself a favor -- MEET RON, GARY, BRUCE AND DOUG
7th Inning -- This Sheffield/Godzilla double whammy unnerves me.... I really need to see the Papi/Manny double dip happen tonight.
8th Inning -- Did I jinx Damon last night? I sent this raging email to The Trifecta last night about Damon... Well, if I did, my realizing it now should un-jinx him. Here comes his first hit... Ouch.
9th Inning -- Well, the real bitch of this thing would be losing a game because of the 1st inning. That's tough. Nice tense way to do it Foulke.
And so it goes. Papi wanted it just as bad as any fan out there.
Game Day #1 (Roller Coaster of Pain and Delight Begins)
[Constant Updates 'Till The Game is Over]
8:00pm -- The Star Wars opening. I guess Fox doesn't have to pay much for that footage--it's a cheap idea in more ways than one. I mistakenly thought the game was going to start at 7. Just used to that time I guess. So since I've been waiting even longer than I should have all I can do is scream--get the fucking game on already! I hate pretty much everything about you Fox! [sorry, a bit jaded there] I think I'm going to put some music on, or maybe the radio--I really find all the Fox hosts and personnel a bit sinister and evil atound the edges.
Commercial -- Thinking about buying this hat.
But I'm not much of a hat wearer at all... but it makes me kind of want to start every once in a while... though I really want the sold out Pit Pat hat.
Does the words "My Big Fat" anything make anyone else's bile rise up a bit? And that Nomar song should never grace airwaves again ever.
1st Inning -- Don't like the looks of this. Fans sound pretty intense... That's okay, too early to get too worried about anything.
2nd Inning -- "...loves to pound the green monster." Please, somebody slap this guy good. Love Millar's Amish Up look. Please someone just get the fuck on first base soon...
3rd Inning -- oh... Pain starting to build. I don't like this Sheffield guy. Your right that's a strike you bitch [c'mon Schilling you're really making me wish Pedro was up first -- he feeds of this crowd.! walk... godzilla is even worse... "Who's your daddy?" Schilling seems to be feeling the heat... Sweet Mercy.
4th Inning -- Another 5 up another 3 down. Sadness mixed with frustration begins to simmer. LesKanic? I'm not even sure I've seen him play... Jeter. Look at him. He's got that face that you just want to punch. I'm sure he could visciously pummel me into patty but still. Double play--exhale. oh! Inning should be over with but not. But is. I repeat please get at least one fuckin' guy on base.
5th Inning -- The moose is on fire. Slipping...
6th Inning -- Wakefield Headache. Again, I wonder how this game/series would have turned out if Pedro had pitched first.
7th Inning -- holy shit. A hit. C'mon Papi! holy shit... C'mon Amish Power! holy shit... gotta love 2 out runs. 2 more innings, 4 more runs.
Commercial -- Vote.
7th Inning -- Heart attack time. Go Papi! This 2 out shit's killing me. Holy shit! Papi hit a tripple? That must have been the fastest he's ever run in his life.
8th Inning -- Sorry about all the swearing. Sports can do this to most anyone... Especially a Red Sox fan. It's neccessary for the coping process. I am now swearing.
9th Inning -- Now's when sports can even get prayers to come to the lips of even the most Agnostic of us...
Typical. A very familiar game--takes you right up to that point of glory, and then drops you. But hey, not like we're not used to it...
8:00pm -- The Star Wars opening. I guess Fox doesn't have to pay much for that footage--it's a cheap idea in more ways than one. I mistakenly thought the game was going to start at 7. Just used to that time I guess. So since I've been waiting even longer than I should have all I can do is scream--get the fucking game on already! I hate pretty much everything about you Fox! [sorry, a bit jaded there] I think I'm going to put some music on, or maybe the radio--I really find all the Fox hosts and personnel a bit sinister and evil atound the edges.
Commercial -- Thinking about buying this hat.
But I'm not much of a hat wearer at all... but it makes me kind of want to start every once in a while... though I really want the sold out Pit Pat hat.
Does the words "My Big Fat" anything make anyone else's bile rise up a bit? And that Nomar song should never grace airwaves again ever.
1st Inning -- Don't like the looks of this. Fans sound pretty intense... That's okay, too early to get too worried about anything.
2nd Inning -- "...loves to pound the green monster." Please, somebody slap this guy good. Love Millar's Amish Up look. Please someone just get the fuck on first base soon...
3rd Inning -- oh... Pain starting to build. I don't like this Sheffield guy. Your right that's a strike you bitch [c'mon Schilling you're really making me wish Pedro was up first -- he feeds of this crowd.! walk... godzilla is even worse... "Who's your daddy?" Schilling seems to be feeling the heat... Sweet Mercy.
4th Inning -- Another 5 up another 3 down. Sadness mixed with frustration begins to simmer. LesKanic? I'm not even sure I've seen him play... Jeter. Look at him. He's got that face that you just want to punch. I'm sure he could visciously pummel me into patty but still. Double play--exhale. oh! Inning should be over with but not. But is. I repeat please get at least one fuckin' guy on base.
5th Inning -- The moose is on fire. Slipping...
6th Inning -- Wakefield Headache. Again, I wonder how this game/series would have turned out if Pedro had pitched first.
7th Inning -- holy shit. A hit. C'mon Papi! holy shit... C'mon Amish Power! holy shit... gotta love 2 out runs. 2 more innings, 4 more runs.
Commercial -- Vote.
7th Inning -- Heart attack time. Go Papi! This 2 out shit's killing me. Holy shit! Papi hit a tripple? That must have been the fastest he's ever run in his life.
8th Inning -- Sorry about all the swearing. Sports can do this to most anyone... Especially a Red Sox fan. It's neccessary for the coping process. I am now swearing.
9th Inning -- Now's when sports can even get prayers to come to the lips of even the most Agnostic of us...
Typical. A very familiar game--takes you right up to that point of glory, and then drops you. But hey, not like we're not used to it...
Bill Plympton & Hair High
BIll Plympton has created some of my favorite animated moments. I believe it was early 90's Mtv, maybe Liquid Television, where I first saw one of his short cartoons. Some of them are a good laugh, and some of them are trancendant moments of bliss. He also shows up on a lot of Spike and Mike collections and he's made more than a couple of features as well as even wining an Oscar at one point. Anyway, I'm a fan and I was more that a little happy to find out he's got a new movie on the way.
That cast is pretty great -- and Matt Groening and Michael Showalter from the State and Stella contirbute voices as well. Click on the picture for some clips but there isn't really to much else except the official press kit. And IMDB makes it seem like it's still looking for distribution as it's still doing festivals. Well, I'm hoping it comes out in one form or another sooner than later.
That cast is pretty great -- and Matt Groening and Michael Showalter from the State and Stella contirbute voices as well. Click on the picture for some clips but there isn't really to much else except the official press kit. And IMDB makes it seem like it's still looking for distribution as it's still doing festivals. Well, I'm hoping it comes out in one form or another sooner than later.
Star Wars - The Last Hope
Like many of my generation I grew up on Star Wars. Some of my earliest movie memories are of Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark. I got the posters, the action figures and shipis, the magazines (I think my first object of lust was Carrie Fisher in that Bobba the Fett slave outfit) even the Bantha Tracks fan club-only magazine that had all these ads for cool crap that we couldn't afford like the official Hans Solo utility jacket or Indiana Jones Stetson. Not really sure exactly who those Bantha Tracks were aimed at exactly. It was a strange magazine -- or newsletter really, as it was indeed informative and awesome to receive in the mail with your , as a seven or eigth year old it also did a good job of stripping away any childish thoughts of movie magic by introducing you to special effects guys and crew members that would talk about how many people it took to operate Bobba the Fett. (What the hell happened to those now very collectable issues and toys I had escapes me...) [Going to go look these up on ebay... hmm, disapointing - ed.]
I so vividly remember this very issue (though it wasn't so fuzzy). I remember the redish issue, the greenish one too...
So like any good geek I was eager to get any news I could about Lucas creating episodes 1-3 of the series. Sure, I'd sat through Howard the Duck, Willow, and two spotty Indiana Jones sequels (still get hardly any enjoyment out of Temple of Doom) but I figured American Graffiti couldn't of just been a fluke... And I don't think he invented the prequel (did the Godfather do that?), but it was an interesting notion when he first announced it and so he had my attention. Word started spreading about the cast of Episode 1 and the choices seemed fine -- all was still well. The image of the little kid with the Vader shadow was indeed tantalizing.
But then the commercials came. Ok, at first... But there was this noise about the movie now -- it was all about Lucas trying to get the new generation of 7 and 8 year olds to buy all the new toys and games that were about to be air dropped onto the masses. Indeed, it seemed that what millions had been waiting over a decade for was a kiddie flick. Then the thought occurs that maybe that's what the first Star Wars was... Yet looking at the various documentaries about the phenomena of the original it seemed like it was stoned teenagers and geeky 20s that were queuing up. Sure, those were the ones queuing up this time too -- but were those the ones coming away pleased? And shouldn't that be the same audience he should be shooting for?
So I was pissed. I walked out of the theatre thinking the time would've been better spent catching a few winks. And of course the main brundt of my cursings was that fucking hell spawn Jar Jar... but we'll speak no more of that bastard. Let's chalk it up to a big fucking disapointment, try to forget it ever happened and move on. Thought immediately turn to how much better Empire was than the the first one.
I didn't even see Clones in the theatre -- that's how pissed I was over Menace. Even a kung-fu Yoda on the Imax couldn't get me to shake it. And the title didn't help at all. But I must admit, when I watched the DVD, I wasn't too disapointed. Maybe because my expectations were so low, but I found myself shrugging off the more preposterous moments with a laugh and simply enjoying the fact that it was better than Menace, if even by a small margin. Yoda definitely helped.
And so now, as if to start the vicious cylce over again, there's this...
Again, I find myself tantalized -- i think it reaches down to some sort of cellular level childhood reaction. I don't know. There's even a cool THX feel to that hallway. And the noise this time is that it's supposed to hit much darker themes and possibly even be PG-13. But I'm not going to get my hopes up again. Lucas has lost that ability in me. I'll be dropping the 10 dollars ro see this next installment but this is what will be in the back of my mind (copied from here)...
Thursday, October 07, 2004
George Lucas recently gave an interview to ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY to promote the release of the “directors cut” versions of the first three STAR WARS movies that just came out on DVD. What follows are actual real (true!) quotes from George, along with what I would say if he said that shit to me…
DOUG BENSON: Why the fuck did you have to go and add a bunch of useless crap to the original trilogy?
GEORGE LUCAS: When STAR WARS came out, I said it didn’t turn out the way I wanted—it’s 25 percent of what I wanted it to be.
DOUG BENSON: 75 percent of the movie wasn’t there? Funny, it seemed pretty complete to me.
GL: So the choice came down to, do I please myself and [finally] make the movie I wanted, or do I allow the audience to see the half-finished version that they fell in love with?
DB: Half-finished? That’s only 50 percent.
GL: If you really look at it, there’s hardly any changes at all.
DB: First you say 75 percent, then 50 percent, then hardly any changes…are you retarded?
GL: The thing that really caused the trouble on STAR WARS is the whole question of whether Han Solo or Greedo shoots first.
DB: Yeah, Han Solo understandably shoots Greedo because Greedo is holding him at gunpoint.
GL: He didn’t shoot first.
DB: But he did. I saw it. At least 50 times.
GL: In my mind [Greedo] shot first or at the same time.
DB: Sounds like you really don’t know what your mind thinks.
GL: We like to think of [Han Solo] as a murderer because that’s hip...
DB: Yeah, murderers are awesome!!
GL: I mean, I don’t see how you can redeem somebody who kills people in cold blood.
DB: Greedo, the green ant-eater faced monster, is a person now? You’re so crazy, I wanna have your baby.
GL: Every other change is, you know, I wanted to have a good matte painting in here.
DB: So you’re saying STAR WARS is 75 percent matte paintings? I thought it was mostly characters and plot and shit. But then again, I’m not a filmmaking genius, I’m just an asshole comedian.
GL: Half of directing is great casting.
DB: You should really stop throwing around percentages.
GL: It really is. If you cast it right, you don’t have to do much work.
DB: That kid you hired to play young Anakin in PHANTOM MENACE was terrific.
GL: I said, well [PHANTOM MENACE] is not going to work because I’m making it about a ten-year-old boy, and nobody is going to want to see this.
DB: I certainly wish I didn’t.
GL: And then [ATTACK OF THE CLONES] is a love story.
DB: No wonder I didn’t like it. Love is stupid.
GL: It’s not a hip, happening romantic comedy with the Olsen twins.
DB: Um, I know you’ve been busy making horrible movies, but there’s no such thing as a hip, happening romantic comedy with the Olsen twins.
GL: So at least Darth Vader is in [EPISODE III]. Only for two minutes, but he’s in it. If you take them all together it’s a fascinating saga.
DB: Oh, I get it, if I see EPISODE III next May it will magically make EPISODES I and II not suck. I’m gonna go get in line right now!
I so vividly remember this very issue (though it wasn't so fuzzy). I remember the redish issue, the greenish one too...
So like any good geek I was eager to get any news I could about Lucas creating episodes 1-3 of the series. Sure, I'd sat through Howard the Duck, Willow, and two spotty Indiana Jones sequels (still get hardly any enjoyment out of Temple of Doom) but I figured American Graffiti couldn't of just been a fluke... And I don't think he invented the prequel (did the Godfather do that?), but it was an interesting notion when he first announced it and so he had my attention. Word started spreading about the cast of Episode 1 and the choices seemed fine -- all was still well. The image of the little kid with the Vader shadow was indeed tantalizing.
But then the commercials came. Ok, at first... But there was this noise about the movie now -- it was all about Lucas trying to get the new generation of 7 and 8 year olds to buy all the new toys and games that were about to be air dropped onto the masses. Indeed, it seemed that what millions had been waiting over a decade for was a kiddie flick. Then the thought occurs that maybe that's what the first Star Wars was... Yet looking at the various documentaries about the phenomena of the original it seemed like it was stoned teenagers and geeky 20s that were queuing up. Sure, those were the ones queuing up this time too -- but were those the ones coming away pleased? And shouldn't that be the same audience he should be shooting for?
So I was pissed. I walked out of the theatre thinking the time would've been better spent catching a few winks. And of course the main brundt of my cursings was that fucking hell spawn Jar Jar... but we'll speak no more of that bastard. Let's chalk it up to a big fucking disapointment, try to forget it ever happened and move on. Thought immediately turn to how much better Empire was than the the first one.
I didn't even see Clones in the theatre -- that's how pissed I was over Menace. Even a kung-fu Yoda on the Imax couldn't get me to shake it. And the title didn't help at all. But I must admit, when I watched the DVD, I wasn't too disapointed. Maybe because my expectations were so low, but I found myself shrugging off the more preposterous moments with a laugh and simply enjoying the fact that it was better than Menace, if even by a small margin. Yoda definitely helped.
And so now, as if to start the vicious cylce over again, there's this...
Again, I find myself tantalized -- i think it reaches down to some sort of cellular level childhood reaction. I don't know. There's even a cool THX feel to that hallway. And the noise this time is that it's supposed to hit much darker themes and possibly even be PG-13. But I'm not going to get my hopes up again. Lucas has lost that ability in me. I'll be dropping the 10 dollars ro see this next installment but this is what will be in the back of my mind (copied from here)...
Thursday, October 07, 2004
George Lucas recently gave an interview to ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY to promote the release of the “directors cut” versions of the first three STAR WARS movies that just came out on DVD. What follows are actual real (true!) quotes from George, along with what I would say if he said that shit to me…
DOUG BENSON: Why the fuck did you have to go and add a bunch of useless crap to the original trilogy?
GEORGE LUCAS: When STAR WARS came out, I said it didn’t turn out the way I wanted—it’s 25 percent of what I wanted it to be.
DOUG BENSON: 75 percent of the movie wasn’t there? Funny, it seemed pretty complete to me.
GL: So the choice came down to, do I please myself and [finally] make the movie I wanted, or do I allow the audience to see the half-finished version that they fell in love with?
DB: Half-finished? That’s only 50 percent.
GL: If you really look at it, there’s hardly any changes at all.
DB: First you say 75 percent, then 50 percent, then hardly any changes…are you retarded?
GL: The thing that really caused the trouble on STAR WARS is the whole question of whether Han Solo or Greedo shoots first.
DB: Yeah, Han Solo understandably shoots Greedo because Greedo is holding him at gunpoint.
GL: He didn’t shoot first.
DB: But he did. I saw it. At least 50 times.
GL: In my mind [Greedo] shot first or at the same time.
DB: Sounds like you really don’t know what your mind thinks.
GL: We like to think of [Han Solo] as a murderer because that’s hip...
DB: Yeah, murderers are awesome!!
GL: I mean, I don’t see how you can redeem somebody who kills people in cold blood.
DB: Greedo, the green ant-eater faced monster, is a person now? You’re so crazy, I wanna have your baby.
GL: Every other change is, you know, I wanted to have a good matte painting in here.
DB: So you’re saying STAR WARS is 75 percent matte paintings? I thought it was mostly characters and plot and shit. But then again, I’m not a filmmaking genius, I’m just an asshole comedian.
GL: Half of directing is great casting.
DB: You should really stop throwing around percentages.
GL: It really is. If you cast it right, you don’t have to do much work.
DB: That kid you hired to play young Anakin in PHANTOM MENACE was terrific.
GL: I said, well [PHANTOM MENACE] is not going to work because I’m making it about a ten-year-old boy, and nobody is going to want to see this.
DB: I certainly wish I didn’t.
GL: And then [ATTACK OF THE CLONES] is a love story.
DB: No wonder I didn’t like it. Love is stupid.
GL: It’s not a hip, happening romantic comedy with the Olsen twins.
DB: Um, I know you’ve been busy making horrible movies, but there’s no such thing as a hip, happening romantic comedy with the Olsen twins.
GL: So at least Darth Vader is in [EPISODE III]. Only for two minutes, but he’s in it. If you take them all together it’s a fascinating saga.
DB: Oh, I get it, if I see EPISODE III next May it will magically make EPISODES I and II not suck. I’m gonna go get in line right now!
Buffy & Me: A Confession
About 2 years ago I began watching reruns of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on FX when they showed two episodes in a row from 6-8pm. At first I was hesitant. I had seen a couple episodes over the years but never really got involved with the show and suspected that it was really just another WB teen soap opera with a kitschy vampire twist. But now, 2 years later, I freely admit that it is [one of the-ed.] funniest, most original, imaginative, and most sincere and emotionally honest 1-hour "drama[s]" to be aired on free TV ever.
It wasn't an overnight love affair. More of the slow-burn seduction variety, which always leads to the more meaningful and lasting television relationships. I wasn't even the instigator of this relationship -- it was a roommate of mine who would generally be home before me that was the fan. And so there it would be, already on TV every day when I got out of work. I passively stared at it in the beginning. Nodding along with its formula of monster of the week popping up in Sunnydale, finding out where it's hiding out at the last minute, kick its ass and save the day, chuckle, repeat.
But then the not so subtle array of metaphors started hitting me. And as the episodes moved along in order, the characters themselves starting showing the actual subtlety and growth. I started thinking the character of Willow was the most interesting thing on television at the time. What was going on? I thought. Was I falling for a WB show? With the girl from Scooby Doo as the star and central themes revolving around teen problems? Yes. I was falling in it deep. And once you start falling for the three to five central characters and caring about them, then the action scenes even take on depth.
Sure, there were some characters that showed up that were a bit annoying; bad guys that didn't really deserve the time devotion; bad CGI and rubber suits; some story metaphors that were too painfully obvious and close to preachy; but these could all be forgiven when you realize that this show also gives you some of the best writing and dialog to have ever graced television. At its best it is the best, or shoulder to shoulder with it at any rate, and at it's worst is is still better than the other 99% that's being programmed.
My favourite thing about Buffy the Vampire Slayer is being able to look at an episode from the first season and see 3 high schoolers with baby fat trying to get through high school and compare it to the last season, seven years later, and be able to see 3 people, hardened, weathered, who've almost in all cases literally been through hell and back--having had their lives crushed and built back again, more than once in some cases, and really be able to honestly see it in their faces and in the better-than-deserved performances of the actors. What other show can you see that? What other one hour drama can you even see all the main cast last until the end of the shows run? Not many at all. And how many of those shows have jokes with references to Magnolia, kung-fu, hot vengeance demons, and the production values of a studio feature?
So in all, I think it took about 2 to 3 months for me to become a full-fledged geek about the whole thing. And at first it was just Buffy--fuck that gay Angel crap, right? Never liked that actor much anyway... Well, ok, let's take a look--they're starting to repeat them on TNT... Son of a bitch! Who is this Joss Whedon and why the hell are his shows so fuckin' good? And what gives Angel the right? I mean, there's episodes on that show that trump Buffy itself. And the last episode was much better than the final Buffy. Hmm, let me check out this Firefly show that got cancelled after 4 shows or something--can't be very good right?... Shitballs! It's genius! And so on...
Yes, a year ago my geekness was basically being kept to a minimum--only freaking out about TV things related to Mr. Show and Amy Sedaris. Now I find myself anonymously peeking into the Buffy fanclub site and Whedon blog; anticipating the April '05 release of Serenity while trying not to drool; ordering the UK Region 2 DVDs of Buffy seasons so I can see the episodes letterboxed; what has become of me... But no, no shame in this game. I've become utterly convinced, unwavering in my beliefs. America may not justify my claims, but the actors are treated like gods in England. And in most cases it's a good sign in my book when something American is more popular in the UK than here. And speaking of England, what's up with the Giles show over there?
So now, here I sit. A man in the clutches of a Star Trek-like obsession. Alias was a good distraction. But with only 3 seasons to it, sorry... I'm buying Buffy season 2 tomorrow, and that'll give me 4 of 7. I'm buying these used mind you--which breaks down to about 2 dollars an episode per season. Not too bad. Like I said, no shame in this game. Anyway, so I'll be satiated for another couple weeks. It's a pretty good season, a big improvement from season one... Okay, I'm getting sick of myself here. So let me wrap this up.
For your benefit, a seasonal review, in order of bettertude (first being bestest):
Season 3 -- The Mayor is easily the best Buffy season villain. The characters are at their peaks of likability.
Season 5 -- Glory being the next best villain. Spike at his best. Great cliffhanger.
Season 6 -- The musical is pure genius. It's something that by all laws of logic should be laughable and fail miserably. But it actually becomes possibly the coolest episode of TV ever and having some of the funniest moments of the series as well as the "We'll see it through / It's what we're always here to do" tingle-moment. Honors also to the Nerds of Doom. And respect for being able to get away with as much bleakness as they did.
Season 2 -- The Buffyverse comes alive.
Season 4 -- "Hush" is the Buffy apex for me--doesn't get any better. Unfortunately Riley is a human snooze button.
Season 7 -- Preemptive wrap up, but I liked the message of the season and bringing back a worthy villain.
Season 1 -- Only because the actors were still figuring themselves out, it was a short season, and budget restrictions were visibly in place.
Again, this is just different levels of goodness, there are no bad seasons, this is just my own personal biased opinion.
Boom #2.
It seems some people still haven't seen this...
It's a pretty interesting video about the Pentagon hit on Sept. 11th. Check it out and promptly start scratchin' your noggin afterwards.
It's a pretty interesting video about the Pentagon hit on Sept. 11th. Check it out and promptly start scratchin' your noggin afterwards.
Prez: More of the Same!, sez Kerry! (May / Dario Argento)
I'll move on to something else soon, I promise. But these titles keep popping up that I feel I've neglected to mention along side these past few recommendations. I don't want to start any type of theme so early on here but since it is October, and you'll hear people pushing the same old tried and true scary movies at you until Halloween comes along, I think I'll continue pushing my own.
Now, this one wasn't just one of the best horror movies I'd seen in a while, but also one of the best movies I'd seen last year. May.
A great creepy little movie. And a performance from Angela Bettis as May that you immediately realize should launch this actress into many great things, and I believe she will be well known in a matter of time. Good performances all around in what is in some ways is a kind of Dr. Frankenstein story retold through a disturbed suburban teenage girl. A definite recommendation to put on the Halloween queue.
Also, in case you haven't heard of Italian horror maestro Dario Argento, here's a brief intro... And three movies that are all you really need to see in the order of their betterness...

The fist one there is The Bird With the Crystal Plumage. This is one of Dario's first movies and the closest to being as Hitchcockian as people like to refer to him as -- a normal guy is an accidental witness and gets in over his head. It has some great photography by Vittorio Storaro who went on to work with Bertolucci and Coppola afterwards. A great movie to simply look at but also an effective thriller--De Palma has clearly been more than a little bit influenced by this guy and after watching this you'll see that how Aregento moves a camera around has had an impact on a good number of directors.
Suspiria, the second one there is pretty much the prototype of the teen slasher picture. It also falls into the same catagory as some of Polanski's early movies, of an innocent girl going insane in new surroundings, growing paranoia, etc. Again, great visuals, great camera work... A classic, and the one that really brought Dario the ten years or so of minor fame he achieved in America.
(Have to pause here--this SNL monologue is pretty funny... Dr. Porkenheimer's Boner Juice... shit, that was good. Anyway...)
The last Argento movie I'll recommend to you here is Deep Red. His giallo triumph. I put it third because it gets a bit stranger and less linear than the previous films. This trend would continue more into to the 80s until he faded into low budgets and lose his grasp on his strengths -- which is great visual storytelling, which is still in high gear on this film. A great horror movie. Now all of these movies will have plots that will strike you as very familiar -- Deep Red has the whole psychic who knows what the killer is thinking plot -- but these were the one's that started it all and did them best.
These movies are really what DVDs do best. Take great movies that could previously only be seen off of crappy copies and chopped up frames -- here they are in their colorful and gory brilliance the way they should be.
(Holy shit! Tina Fey AND Amy Poehler doing the news together -- I swear people are reading my dreams. If only they'd get around to the one's that involve me...)
Now, this one wasn't just one of the best horror movies I'd seen in a while, but also one of the best movies I'd seen last year. May.
A great creepy little movie. And a performance from Angela Bettis as May that you immediately realize should launch this actress into many great things, and I believe she will be well known in a matter of time. Good performances all around in what is in some ways is a kind of Dr. Frankenstein story retold through a disturbed suburban teenage girl. A definite recommendation to put on the Halloween queue.
Also, in case you haven't heard of Italian horror maestro Dario Argento, here's a brief intro... And three movies that are all you really need to see in the order of their betterness...
The fist one there is The Bird With the Crystal Plumage. This is one of Dario's first movies and the closest to being as Hitchcockian as people like to refer to him as -- a normal guy is an accidental witness and gets in over his head. It has some great photography by Vittorio Storaro who went on to work with Bertolucci and Coppola afterwards. A great movie to simply look at but also an effective thriller--De Palma has clearly been more than a little bit influenced by this guy and after watching this you'll see that how Aregento moves a camera around has had an impact on a good number of directors.
Suspiria, the second one there is pretty much the prototype of the teen slasher picture. It also falls into the same catagory as some of Polanski's early movies, of an innocent girl going insane in new surroundings, growing paranoia, etc. Again, great visuals, great camera work... A classic, and the one that really brought Dario the ten years or so of minor fame he achieved in America.
(Have to pause here--this SNL monologue is pretty funny... Dr. Porkenheimer's Boner Juice... shit, that was good. Anyway...)
The last Argento movie I'll recommend to you here is Deep Red. His giallo triumph. I put it third because it gets a bit stranger and less linear than the previous films. This trend would continue more into to the 80s until he faded into low budgets and lose his grasp on his strengths -- which is great visual storytelling, which is still in high gear on this film. A great horror movie. Now all of these movies will have plots that will strike you as very familiar -- Deep Red has the whole psychic who knows what the killer is thinking plot -- but these were the one's that started it all and did them best.
These movies are really what DVDs do best. Take great movies that could previously only be seen off of crappy copies and chopped up frames -- here they are in their colorful and gory brilliance the way they should be.
(Holy shit! Tina Fey AND Amy Poehler doing the news together -- I swear people are reading my dreams. If only they'd get around to the one's that involve me...)
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