Devoted to My Many Whims


Lost / Veronica Mars / The Farina Force

Fuck [television sucking away more brain cells]... Wednesday night is becoming something of an ass grove night. This Veronica Mars is looking pretty good -- it's like Hammet High. I think the name Mars along with the Neptune, California is a bit much but the show is sly, deceptively intelligent (Veronica could be the best new character out there) and I like the guy from Just Shoot Me as the dad -- I always thought he could be good in something without the cringing sit-com broadness (that includes Galaxy Quest) and I think he's got a good chance to prove himself with this role. Its also good to see UPNs looser restrictions put to good effect besides racy "urban" shows. But this is also the channel that dropped the ball on Sofia Coppola's show Platinum unforgivingly quick which still boggles me.-- even though I wasn't that big a fan. But how could I be, they showed like three episodes and all at fucked up times too if I remember correctly. Oh, the show's going to be on Tuesdays... that's the UPN I'm talking about.

Anyway, I'm a huge Alias fan so I was already excited about Lost. Not disapointed either. It's obviously the best thing on right now. Only complaint is that they didn't give it a two hour opener.

And Farina on Law and Order? C'mon, that was obvious the moment I heard about it. It's the best marriage since wine and cheese, choclate and peanut butter, doctor and pepper, etc. I don't think there's any beating Law and Order, in all it's varous forms, as the safest bet you can get for zoning out on the couch. It's turning into MASH too -- with cable you can jump channels all day and watch nothing besides it.

I'm a huge Farina fan though too, so again, this is biased. I think Crime Story is the best cop show that's ever been on television. I mean, the guy WAS a cop. I have to go put Midnight Run on my queue...

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