Anyway, yes, it was good. I was a bit worried. The commercials have really been pushing the stuff that isn't the pilot episode. And it was looking pretty good. So knowing that this was pilot, the one episode they simply took the British script and photo copied... I was low balling. But they did the job. They laid down the foundation of the major characters, and they did it well. From what I see and what I read it seems this shall be the Thursday night appointment. They tried Men Bahving Badly, Coupling, every other game show that pumeled us the past two years, and thankfully did'nt get that Ab Fab off the ground. Well, I hope this one sticks.
Oh, and speaking of Stephens, the new Stephen Malkmus album has some retty good songs on it. Especially Mama. I recommend you seek out that song now. As well as the Decemberists' new album Picaresque.
And to pass on some good suff here's a brilliant peek into the underbelly of this "internet". And who knew Ricky has his own thing going.
How the hell do YOU not have cable?
produce pete is good but he is not ricky. i refuse to even watch.
Produce Pete is doing his own thing, not trying to ape Ricky, which makes the whole thing much more interesting. The only thing so far that isn't quite up to par is the guy playing the Tim equivelant. Him and his relationship with the receptionist is a bit off target but maybe that will improve. At any rate I'm eager to check out tonight's episode.
As far as cable goes, it's only a metter of time before I break down and pay up. The only thing I really miss is Adult Swim. Oddly enough, I don't even miss The Daily Show that much. Netflix and the basic stuff is keeping me busy as it is. But yeah, the Red Sox/NESN is probably what's going to tip the scale and getting me to contribute to Comcast's world domination plans.
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