You might also want to check out some clips from this movie Chunklet's some out with recently...
Click the pic -- there's a ton of clips there. It seems like it could be pretty funny--but part of me just can't get over how similar it is to Fred Armisan's 1998 SXSW video. Watch both of them! Compare and contrast the fun pranking of your favorite indie icons!
And to wrap this up I'll pick some of my favorite "1,000 Unrelated Overrated Things":
Character on Kids in the Hall: The “I’m Crushing Your Head” guy
Sonic Youth associate: Lydia Lunch
Thing for a parent to be proud of: Honor student
Late-night drinking activity: Vomiting in a friend’s car
Frozen Mexican treat: Choco Taco
Source of band names: Any movie reference
Season of Buffy: Second
Cleaning tool: The Swiffer
Cereal: Frosted Mini Wheats
Dead black man: Tupac Shakur
Cell phone service: Virgin mobile
Contemporary slang word: Blog
Have you tried the Swiffer Jet? Awesome.
I think I've tried about ever Swiffer product out there by now. The gloves are the biggest scam, but the wet one's aren't too bad. It's kind of like giving your floor a spit shine. You wonder how sanitary it really is but hey, it got that old juice stain off and it isn't as sticky, so plus!
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