Sometimes I really hate New York. And sometimes it's not because of the Yankees. Sometimes it just because they seem to have day after day of really cool shit to do over there. The city stays open a lot later, there's multitudes of different cool bars, record stores (not that I've been to one in ages--with these mp3s i kind of do miss the act of shuffling through records or cds, but that's a different post), restraunts, clothing stores, movie theatres, or book stores to go to. And I know it's simply a much larger city to begin with, but does that mean they have to have so many more good shows to go to as well?
Tinkle's been gathering some pretty big hype these days. It's a weekly comedy show that regularly features the likes of David Cross, Todd Barry, Eugene Mirman, Jon Benjamin, basically all my favorite comedians. And for 6 dollars no less. Christmas shows, bands show up, on crazy booze cruises... I mean, they already have the Upright Citizens Theatre, The Midnight Pajama Jam, do they need more cool shit? Sometimes I don't think so. Like this afernoon, when I was more than a bit jealous reading the accounts of the Tinkle show that went down last Thursday night.
here (video, too)
here (better pics)
Yeah, I guess Jon Benjamin didn't make it, but it seems like it was a hell of a show anyway. If Patton Oswallt showed up I'd probably be crying. But then they get Wilco, Flaming Lips and Sleater-Kinney all playing the same show for New Years Eve entertainment. I think the best option for a show that night in Boston was Guns & Roses karaoke. And I'm only sort of joking. Gaddamn you New York and all your fucking nice distractions. If you weren't so expensive I'd really have something against you. But I heart you too. And I have a feeling you pay a little better than MA. So...
And completely off subject, but when the hell, I don't trust downloading something off a site directly into my iPod, but there are some interesting options out there if you're one to go experimenting.
Linux for the iPod here
Lots here
And when did Discovery and TLC become a fucking shop class and automotive channel? Isn't that what Spike TV and Home & Garden were for? I don't know... And are there a lot of blogs already talking about the freakyness of the new year and plauges of locust and the tsunami's happening so close together? Eerie. I know Patton's mentioned it and has the links.
So yeah, happy 2005. ...double ought cinco was the year my sonny boy... They'll say. Let's hope it's in good context.
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