Devoted to My Many Whims


On Hiatus

A note to my half-dozen or so faithful: I'm going to be AWOL for some time whilst I settle in to the new apartment. Gotta straighten some things out with Verison and get back into their good graces before I can set up the new TRB HQ. So, in the meantime I recommend you get to know the fine upstanding boys of Special Fellow. My brethren there have recently popped back on the grid and the posts are coming faster and furiouser. Anyway, TTFN, see you soon, stay cool this summer, see you in the funny pages, l8er sk8er, peace in the middle east, I'm Audi 5000.

1 comment:

Edna Rodriguez said...

have fun in the sun
get laid in the shade
can i score an interview when ya come back??