Devoted to My Many Whims


Holy Shit Did The Island Suck!

No joke, the thing has steam coming off it -- look out. I wasn't even expecting much from the movie. I'd seen the usual ad on my way to work to send an email off for a free pass -- ok. Can't be that bad, and I doubt I'd pay money to see it in the theater anyway, so why not. It'll be in a nice air conditioned room on a hot Wednesday... Wrong and wrong. First off the theater's cooling system seemed to be keeping the room at a thick 80 degrees or -- maybe a little less than that... And after all was said and done the movie itself offered about 10 minutes of decent entertainment. People were walking out of the place right before the 15 minute "climax".

Now I'd bitched about War of the Worlds being a bit of a letdown but by comparison -- well let's just say WOW is a dutch oven and The Island is a Cleveland steamer. So far this summer's been a crap fest for movies. I've heard Land of the Dead was a fun time, and I can vouch for Batman Begins an Me and You and Everyone We Know, but besides that... nada.

Not much to report from the Netflix front either. Pretty much been enjoying the Freaks and Geeks and Wonderfalls sets. Though most of you have probably already caught those... maybe not Wonderfalls, it's a pretty good show that I'd describe as a cross between Joan of Arcadia and Northern Exposure... but better than that sounds...

Anyway, I did catch up on some Kurosawa with a nice Yojimbo and Sanjuro double feature. And revisited some classics like Flirting and The Station Agent (yes I already consider that one a classic). But there's also been a few duds like The Yes Men and Harold & Kumar... And the rest of them fall in the middle and aren't even worth mentioning really. Time for sleep.

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