But you know, if zombies do come a knockin'--don't call them "zombies", because that's just crazy talk. Shaun of the Dead makes this very important point after our two heroes bash their first zombie brains. This is of course a reference to the fact that no movie containing zombies actually refers to the walking dead as zombies--so in a way this movie is quite ground-breaking. It is also the most fun you'll have at your local cinema right now.
Making a funny horror movie has become something of a challenge ever since Scream came out. That movie in a single stroke took the horror movie genre back to it's pretty looking teens getting cut up style of the 80's and it got stuck with that for a good many years until recently--thanks to zombies. Shaun of the Dead does, on a much bigger budget, what Evil Dead 2, Re-Animator, and Fright Night did in the late 80s. Which is to stay true to it's genre and at the same time inject it with new life and making it exciting again. Right now I can't think of a movie recently that ballanced the humor and horror so well that you actually root for the good guys and not the zombies or the inbred hillbilly monsters or whatever. Cabin Fever made a pretty good attempt at it, and I did give that one a good review, but it can't hold a candle to the joys of Shaun of the Dead.
To the Winchester!
4 out of 5
Oh, also, two things... The guys who made this are behind a tv show called Spaced. If you are able to get Trio you can watch this show and you are a lucky bastard that I am quite jealous of. For some reason the dip-shit money grubbing bitches at Comcast won't offer the channel EVEN THOUGH IT IS AMOUNG THE CHANNELS LISTED AS AVAILABLE. So be on the lookout for Spaced.
Secondly, (HOT TIP!) this is quite intriguing: CLICK ON ME. If the movie is as good as the ad campaign I'll be a happy zombie lover. It comes courtesy of people from Alabama--zombies and the deep south... heavenly.
Okay, I know I said "two things" but I just remembered this;
I'm not much for novelty books but the excerpts from the book on the website (click the pic) are pretty funny and there's a good amount available there. Plus, the Max Brooks who authored the thing is actually Mel Brooks' son--so there's some street cred for you. Check it out--but you might want to adjust the volume--the zombie music gets a bit irritating.
That's all the zombie news I have. Except for the fact that Romero's Land of the Dead starts filming next month -- which is the best zombie news of all, innit?
I want to see that movie...it looks good...
I'm ready for Halloween.
I agree 1000% about Trio. I had it in Chicago but moved to Nashville and Comcast down here doesn't have it. It is a wonderful channel. Where else can you see "American Mullets"?
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