Devoted to My Many Whims


Used Resurrections

Mmmm... Tammy Littlenut. Sorry, but hey, Used Wigs has a nice way of getting those soon to be out of reach interviews. [Because in my mind The Strangers With Candy movie is going to be a huge goddamn blockbuster.] God bless them. While I'm at it I'll exploit their link to a half decent Sleater Kinney video. I can't quite get myself to link to the tree thing -- but if I were on weed...

Thanks to Stakes is High I now know of The Superficial. The bitch rag of the month. Enjoying it much more than Defamer. But, most likely, in a couple weeks, it will get old and annoying -- just like Defamer and Whatevs...

In case anyone had doubts, I'm glad to report Topher Grace can act. Thuroughly enjoyed his performances in P.S. and In Good Company this weekend. I'd had my suspicions from Traffic and his bits in the Ocean's films, but I'm putting this guy in that Johnny Depp catagory of definitely having a long and prosperous leading man career after his B show tv career if he keeps up these well chosen roles. P.S. is the better of the two as a film that sticks with you after the viewing -- In Good Company pretty much gives you a grin as it flows over you, leaving you happy and content. P.S. tries to pack a bit too much in it's 90 minutes but is chock full of great performances and even has a bit of a Miller's Crossing [definitley on my top 3 Coen Bros. movies] reunion (even though they have no scenes together) with the pretty much always spot on Gabriel Byrne and Marcia Gay Harden.

[Okay -- feeling a need to vent a bit about my Netflix relationship. Until very recently I've been peaches and cream with these guys, as I think this blog shows. But recently, my Friday send-backs haven't been getting to them until Tuesday and, well, I guess that's it... But! I have a feeling that this has something to do with me being unable to return my movies as quickly as I used to... I'm not sure... Hacking Netlflix has some case sudies very close to this with folks saying the same thing... Hey, I'm not saying they're still not the best thing out there, it is -- but -- some cracks are starting to show. And the only reason I can think of is my turnaround rate isn't what it used to be. Just a heads up, I guess. But don't worry NF, you're still my honey. I'd still toss a bomb in a Blockbuster for you any day. Kisses.]

Birth made for a pretty good counter-point for P.S.. Both deal with the what-if situation of a lost love returning from the dead in the from of someone else. 20 years go by and Topher Grace comes back as Laura Linney's lost love. And in Birth 9 years go by and wunderkind Cameron Bright says he's Nicole Kidman's dead finacee. Now, this kid's actually 12 years old know -- so he was actually very close to the nine years old he plays in the movie and his creep-tastic performace is almost worth watching for. Again, this kid (though he has the whole child actor teen drug/booze freakout to attempt to avoid) has a very good chance of being a hell of an actor -- very much like Christian Bale? I mean, look at the headshot he's already got going on IMDb for chrissake. And that Thank You For Smoking sounds pretty good too.

Okay, folks. The Rolling Blackout will be having a seriously lame contest going on in a couple days, so stayed tuned for that. Basically all you'll have to do is tell me you want one and I'll send it to you. Much like this giveaway that I'm doing over st SF -- click here to order yours today.


The Head said...

Miller's Crossing is one of my favorite movies of all time.
Yay! Lame contest!
Is there any way I could convince you to lose the sound on your page? It occasionally freezes up my shit and it's pretty noticable at work.

Anonymous said...

holy shit i am going crazy, i thought i posted this five minutes ago when i was completly jazzed about bloc party! god i love that band. actually i think i only love that song 'banquet' and 'luno'. hey can you help me move on september first? i am moving 2 buildings down, it is a friday, crazy neighbor matt and joe will probably be down, maybe mike if you don't mind. we can get all crazy crazy on beer beer and coke and coke that i provide. i promise to behave? i soon will have the one bedroom. finally showering together wont be so strange after you puke all over your pants like last time, remember that, remember when we were young sean?! i do.

-winthrop special fellow (RIP)

The Head said...

Yeah, where are you?

Unknown said...

Winthrop, I'll help you move. Do you have a sofa-bed? Those hings break backs and I have a not-so-good back (remeber those chiropractor visits?). But eveything else--I'll help you.