What an unattractive photo. Oh well, this isn't a vanity project! We're starting to get a bit hairy now, there's definitely some action going on here -- you can kind of see the scar under my chin from my sledding accident. I've read that you're born with a certain number of hair follicles -- it doesn't change -- you don't get more as you grow older. It debunks the old myth that you shouldn't shave certain areas for fear that it will grow back thicker. I used to have a goatee back in high school and collage and I swear that this area is growing in a bit thicker than the cheek area... I guess that's just how this beard is going to work out.
I've come across my first problem with The Beard. The area on my neck where I'm trimming my beard every day is the same area where I get the worst razor bumps. My bumps. My bumps. My ugly razor bumps. Sorry, I watched Blades of Glory last night. Anyway, I think I'm going to have to buy product.
Note: First day of work without a co-worker's mention of The Beard.