Devoted to My Many Whims


We Now Resume to Comcasticness

I've always been first in line to give Comcast a grievance but always welcome it back in to my heart when reunited. And it feels so good. Gotta give a week or so to break in this dvr and make sure no parts fall off. Initial signs point to some possible gremlins in the gears but I won't rush to judgment.

The new tv stand entertainment center shelving unit thing and the cable and the ps2 back from the dead all make me want to save up for a new tv. And then I realized, why tv? Why not go all the way and save up for the proper visual sensory imput device.

This is what you real need to receive true Comcastafied bliss. Plus, you can take your military aptitude tests that you'll probably be taking one way or another shortly enough anyway. Go ahead and photoshop your head on that picture and tell me you don't feel delighted already.


New England Beer Festival 2005

Okay, so here are my belated notes on the beer fest form a few weeks back. Oct ‘9th to be exact. I’m simply going to write exactly what I jotted down in the book – no editing going on here.

12:10 – Inside the Cyclorama. Get glass & 15 beer tix & food vouchers. Slide into swag line.

12:15 – Get swag bag (t-shirt, bottle opener, stickers, coupons)

12:18 – Newport Porter – nice start, smooth, light not heavy porter, tasty

12:20 – Cambridge Brewing Co. Olde English Porter – too light, too smooth, airy, hollow, not bad tasting, not good

12:30 – Ipswich Winter Ale – Nice smell, coffee, tastes good, like it, toffee & biscuit

12:38 – Watch City Boston Bruin – refreshingly bubbly after the porters, bit of an aftertaste but not too bad [sip of Allagash Interlude had at this time – weird fruity apricot taste to it, will not try again]

12:53 – John Harvard’s Instigator – very nice, equal parts bite and drinkability, 7.8% is felt but not overwhelming… supposedly found after 2.5 years in basement… caramel? intimidating smell…

1:05 – Sam Adams Colonial 375 – smells exactly like beer should, nice foggy unfiltered, "dirty", beer supposedly made as colonials would, earthy, beer tastes exactly as beer should in some instinctual way

1:25 – Cambridge Brewing Co. Colonial Beer – supposedly the same idea going on here as 375 but quite different in look, smell, but taste is somewhat similar, darker heavier taste… not as good

1:35 – Pittsfield Brew Works Smoked Porter – A bit like the CBC’s light porter but much better, nice toasted taste, not bad at all

2:00 – Milly’s Tavern Hopnoxious – Excellent IPA type beer, snaps in flavor, refreshing, powerful [had sip of Millie’s Manchester IPA – like the Hop’s small cousin, more drinkable but not as crisp]

2:30 – After a bit of a line have some actual good food from Sunset, a place I haven’t had much luck from food wise but chalk it up to the fact that they opened a new location, the Cantina. Had chili with a cheese filled pretzel – excellent.

2:45 – Shed Restaurant & Brewery’s Saison de Shed – recommended from 3 dudes asking for our own recommendation, not really in the mood for a Belgian white type but good nonetheless, more enjoyable towards end of glass… recommended the Sam Colonial, Pittsfield smoked, and Newport to the dudes.

2:50 – Offshore Brewing Co. Inkwell – 10% going on here, not very drinkable at all, similar to a stout but chalkier and thicker than it should, bad pour as well so I got it for free, not ticket, so not that bad.

3:00 – Harpoon Munich Dark – an excellent beer, glad to be drinking a good beer again, unexpected from Harpoon.

3:20 – Berkshire Brewing Co. Coffeehouse Porter – even better than the Harpoon, loving the wintery beers going on here, chocolate and coffee…

3:50 – Stone Coast Brewing Co. 420 IPA – good, straightforward and tasty [was pretty drunk here]

4:00 – Smuttynose Winter – Last beer of the fest and one of the best – everything you'd want in a winter brew – halfway between an IPA and an ale, warming, excellent, love Smuttynose...

Last entry – had waffles, so damn good, so damn tasty


There's Calm in Your Eye

Still working on the background thing. Might tweak a couple of other things. In the meantime...

So who knew Wiley Wiggins had a kick ass blog? The News of the Dead has many fine things to be had. Like fun animated film on the dangers of inhalants, cool, if flawed, classic movie desktops, what’s up with Roland Topor?, Abraham Lincoln Land, and so much more – hours can be spent looking through the little treasures in his archive.

McSweeney’s has set up a new store, and in it is a rather exciting new DVD quarterly magazine thing called Wholphin. What you’d call a cross between a whale and a dolphin from what I gather. The material on the debut – Miguel Arteta's and Miranda July's short movie with Mike White and John C. Reilly, Spike Jonze’s covering Al Gore, Patton Oswalt… Yes please.

Scott pointed me to the #1 Colbert Report fansite, and yes, the fan fiction is pretty awesome. I’ve been able to download and watch the first week of the show resulting in much happiness. Comparisons to how much more quality the Daily Show and Colbert deliver than the past couple years of SNL aren’t too crazy to me.