Mmmm... Tammy Littlenut. Sorry, but hey, Used Wigs has a nice way of getting those soon to be out of reach interviews. [Because in my mind The Strangers With Candy movie is going to be a huge goddamn blockbuster.] God bless them. While I'm at it I'll exploit their link to a half decent Sleater Kinney video. I can't quite get myself to link to the tree thing -- but if I were on weed...
Thanks to Stakes is High I now know of The Superficial. The bitch rag of the month. Enjoying it much more than Defamer. But, most likely, in a couple weeks, it will get old and annoying -- just like Defamer and Whatevs...
In case anyone had doubts, I'm glad to report Topher Grace can act. Thuroughly enjoyed his performances in P.S. and In Good Company this weekend. I'd had my suspicions from Traffic and his bits in the Ocean's films, but I'm putting this guy in that Johnny Depp catagory of definitely having a long and prosperous leading man career after his B show tv career if he keeps up these well chosen roles. P.S. is the better of the two as a film that sticks with you after the viewing -- In Good Company pretty much gives you a grin as it flows over you, leaving you happy and content. P.S. tries to pack a bit too much in it's 90 minutes but is chock full of great performances and even has a bit of a Miller's Crossing [definitley on my top 3 Coen Bros. movies] reunion (even though they have no scenes together) with the pretty much always spot on Gabriel Byrne and Marcia Gay Harden.
[Okay -- feeling a need to vent a bit about my Netflix relationship. Until very recently I've been peaches and cream with these guys, as I think this blog shows. But recently, my Friday send-backs haven't been getting to them until Tuesday and, well, I guess that's it... But! I have a feeling that this has something to do with me being unable to return my movies as quickly as I used to... I'm not sure... Hacking Netlflix has some case sudies very close to this with folks saying the same thing... Hey, I'm not saying they're still not the best thing out there, it is -- but -- some cracks are starting to show. And the only reason I can think of is my turnaround rate isn't what it used to be. Just a heads up, I guess. But don't worry NF, you're still my honey. I'd still toss a bomb in a Blockbuster for you any day. Kisses.]
Birth made for a pretty good counter-point for P.S.. Both deal with the what-if situation of a lost love returning from the dead in the from of someone else. 20 years go by and Topher Grace comes back as Laura Linney's lost love. And in Birth 9 years go by and wunderkind Cameron Bright says he's Nicole Kidman's dead finacee. Now, this kid's actually 12 years old know -- so he was actually very close to the nine years old he plays in the movie and his creep-tastic performace is almost worth watching for. Again, this kid (though he has the whole child actor teen drug/booze freakout to attempt to avoid) has a very good chance of being a hell of an actor -- very much like Christian Bale? I mean, look at the headshot he's already got going on IMDb for chrissake. And that Thank You For Smoking sounds pretty good too.
Okay, folks. The Rolling Blackout will be having a seriously lame contest going on in a couple days, so stayed tuned for that. Basically all you'll have to do is tell me you want one and I'll send it to you. Much like this giveaway that I'm doing over st SF -- click here to order yours today.
Devoted to My Many Whims
Sorry -- seems I screwed up publishing that 5/12 post. (How does one screw up posting on Blogger is the question...?) Well, it's down there now, but I must place another warning about that picture... I swear I saw that guy in Hellboy... Heh. More to come later.
Hey, you know I should be sleeping the sleep of kings right now but I just heard Matt Dillon say some shit about Factotum being made into a movie so here you go...
The what the hell?
The little bit. Really, screw that one, unless this other one doesn't work.
The Real Trailer. I gotta say it looks great. Matt Dillon. You know, I wouldn't put him in position for many roles but this is looking good. Maybe too good though--needs some pock marks, but he definitely has the stance down... Shit, I gotta sleep... Click the pic to buy Chuck's best work.
The what the hell?
The little bit. Really, screw that one, unless this other one doesn't work.
The Real Trailer. I gotta say it looks great. Matt Dillon. You know, I wouldn't put him in position for many roles but this is looking good. Maybe too good though--needs some pock marks, but he definitely has the stance down... Shit, I gotta sleep... Click the pic to buy Chuck's best work.
Cutely Horrifyingly Funnily
Is it just me or are the Kidz Bop people moving up in terms of production value?
From Kelly to the Alligator on Guitar
And to go from cute to highly--and I really mean quite fucked-up--disturbing... really I don't know why this should be passed around but I can't help myself now--it's like The Ring! I followed these instructions from Patton's blog after he warned over and over again and blah blah blah...
"Go to
Click on 'Lounge'
Scroll down, and click on 'Their worst day ever…'
That's where the picture is. And that's three steps until you can see
it. I want to make sure anyone reading this actually wants to see this
horrible, horrible picture."
The first picture will make you laugh, the second picture -- well, depending on your constitution... Scarring.
Anywho, so who likes comedy?
The Stella videos have finally found a home that can host -- HERE... I've so far only watched ten or so and 80% of them have been pretty damn funny. Special guest stars include dreamy Paul Rudd on "Woods", Zach Galifinacamackous on "Searching For Santa", and Sam Rockwell on "Bored" (my favorite so far). Who knew so much funny could be made out of rubber penises and necrophelia? But I can attest to the genius of their live performances, which I have doubts about their being able to translate to the Comedy Central show they're getting. Then again, they've been around long enough to know what to do. But if you get the chance, I highly recommed seeing them in person.
I was recently reminded of the great Louis CK's website... it looks like shitballs (and I'm pretty tolerant of shitball looking sites) but there's some great video on there. Winthrop tipped me too the rather wildly uncomfortable "cinema classics nyc" clip in the "rough experimental material" section, not for everyone -- but if you have a sense of humor...
From Kelly to the Alligator on Guitar
And to go from cute to highly--and I really mean quite fucked-up--disturbing... really I don't know why this should be passed around but I can't help myself now--it's like The Ring! I followed these instructions from Patton's blog after he warned over and over again and blah blah blah...
"Go to
Click on 'Lounge'
Scroll down, and click on 'Their worst day ever…'
That's where the picture is. And that's three steps until you can see
it. I want to make sure anyone reading this actually wants to see this
horrible, horrible picture."
The first picture will make you laugh, the second picture -- well, depending on your constitution... Scarring.
Anywho, so who likes comedy?
The Stella videos have finally found a home that can host -- HERE... I've so far only watched ten or so and 80% of them have been pretty damn funny. Special guest stars include dreamy Paul Rudd on "Woods", Zach Galifinacamackous on "Searching For Santa", and Sam Rockwell on "Bored" (my favorite so far). Who knew so much funny could be made out of rubber penises and necrophelia? But I can attest to the genius of their live performances, which I have doubts about their being able to translate to the Comedy Central show they're getting. Then again, they've been around long enough to know what to do. But if you get the chance, I highly recommed seeing them in person.
I was recently reminded of the great Louis CK's website... it looks like shitballs (and I'm pretty tolerant of shitball looking sites) but there's some great video on there. Winthrop tipped me too the rather wildly uncomfortable "cinema classics nyc" clip in the "rough experimental material" section, not for everyone -- but if you have a sense of humor...
Feeling Non-Comital (SF - PH)
What's to talk about? Yeah, Paris Hilton got turned into all kinds of dead. But that doesn't beat Orlando Bloom nipples, does it? I guess it does. No, there's nothing to talk about.
On a Midnight Near You?
The Coolidge Corner Theater's had some pretty good midnight shows the past couple months... Most of you should know about Found Magazine. Well a while ago there was a Found Video presentation. Though there were many funny/disturbing videos shown that night, two of the better ones weren't exactly "found" at all--they are classic 80's videos with a bit of production behind them...
Sadly, after about an hour and a half of searching I could only find this one clip of the brilliant Wendy's training video from 1989 entitled Grill Skill. But I think it does a good job of touching upon the greatness of the whole thing. Click the pic of the magical training rapping dude that comes from the magical training tape at Wendy's.

With Mother's Day coming around here's another one they showed that evening -- Mr. T rappin' at y'all about treating your moms with respect. It's worth the damn commercial. Yes, in 1984 what better rap was flowin' than: Mother/There is no other/Mother/So treat her right
And this is happening in a couple weeks. The whole thing brings more questions to mind than excitement--but it has certainly captured my interest... From the Coolidge Corner Theater website (5/14/05):
Sure, you can have your X-Box super-advanced 3-D action video games, but nothing matches the sheer joy and innocent fun of Asteroids, Berzerk, Combat, Defender, Missile Command, Pac-Man, Space Invaders, and Yars Revenge. Yes, we're talking about the home video game system that started it all - the Atari 2600. To celebrate the long lost art of these classic video games, the Coolidge is turning the ENTIRE theatre into a massive Atari 2600 video arcade for one night only! Join us for Atari on the big screen as we kick off the night with three auditoriums, each featuring a different classic Atari game. We'll play in 5 minute rounds (first come, first play, just like at the arcade), with judges passing out raffle tickets to the best players.
Then at 1:00, join us for a final Championship Round between the best players (drawn from our lucky raffle participants) on the GIANT SCREEN. Yeah, it's just like that Fred Savage movie THE WIZARD, which, what do you know, we'll be screening immediately afterwards!
Sadly, after about an hour and a half of searching I could only find this one clip of the brilliant Wendy's training video from 1989 entitled Grill Skill. But I think it does a good job of touching upon the greatness of the whole thing. Click the pic of the magical training rapping dude that comes from the magical training tape at Wendy's.
With Mother's Day coming around here's another one they showed that evening -- Mr. T rappin' at y'all about treating your moms with respect. It's worth the damn commercial. Yes, in 1984 what better rap was flowin' than: Mother/There is no other/Mother/So treat her right
And this is happening in a couple weeks. The whole thing brings more questions to mind than excitement--but it has certainly captured my interest... From the Coolidge Corner Theater website (5/14/05):
Sure, you can have your X-Box super-advanced 3-D action video games, but nothing matches the sheer joy and innocent fun of Asteroids, Berzerk, Combat, Defender, Missile Command, Pac-Man, Space Invaders, and Yars Revenge. Yes, we're talking about the home video game system that started it all - the Atari 2600. To celebrate the long lost art of these classic video games, the Coolidge is turning the ENTIRE theatre into a massive Atari 2600 video arcade for one night only! Join us for Atari on the big screen as we kick off the night with three auditoriums, each featuring a different classic Atari game. We'll play in 5 minute rounds (first come, first play, just like at the arcade), with judges passing out raffle tickets to the best players.
Then at 1:00, join us for a final Championship Round between the best players (drawn from our lucky raffle participants) on the GIANT SCREEN. Yeah, it's just like that Fred Savage movie THE WIZARD, which, what do you know, we'll be screening immediately afterwards!
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